There was a blackout this morning. I only notice it when it felt warmer in the room. The husband had already woken up and call TNB to make a report. It was about 5am. Apparently, there was only a row of houses affected including ours. The opposite row wasn't. Then we went back to sleep. Still got that one hour left to catch up on sleep before the 6am alarm starts to blare. Haish, sempat gak tuh. He he!
Later, got up in black pitch room. Searched for the torchlight and went downstairs to look for candles. Since api takde, I couldn't iron the kids uniform. Kesian kat anak-anak aku pegi sekolah dgn baju tak bergosok. Hu hu! Thank God, the husband's clothes dah siap bergosok minggu sudah. Long story short, while waiting for the school van to fetch the kids, I saw the TNB guy was still fixing outside. I asked what was wrong. This blackout happens a lot in my area especially the same row of houses. He said the wires got burnt and couldn't explain why. Oh well, fine by me.
Saw two neighbours talking to each other on the same subject. Heard one of them said, perasan api takde since 4.20am. I was like, what?? 4.20am dah perasan but no one bothered to call TNB?? One neighbour even had the cheek to say, they were too lazy to call TNB and that somebody will eventually call. Yeah, that was us by the way.
Some attitude my neighbours have. Can't depend too much on them when emergency strikes. Grrr!