Courtney Cox (of Friends sitcom) looks ravishing in this lovely black gown..

Miss Congeniality, Sandra Bullock didn't shine in this dress either. I hope she picks a better one this upcoming Oscar award...

Amy Adams looks sloppy in this dress. watelahappen? I don't think she could enchant people with that thing draped around her. urghh!
Watched The Golden Globe this morning. Can't help feeling the show was a bit boring with Ricky Gervais as the host. There goes my precious 3 hours for nothing. Yucks! I hate his jokes, they are not funny (at least to me) and I can't even fathom what he's talking about. Must be the British slang. Pekat ya amat!
Someone ought to bring back Ellen De Generes!
Ok, I've got like 30 seconds before the music plays on background (thats a cue to shorten the speech) and here goes;
- Best Picture: Avatar (the first sci-fi movie to win, to my knowledge so far..)
- Best Director: James Cameron (also won Best Director for Titanic 12 years ago)
- Best Actor: Jeff Bridges (for The Crazy Heart)
- Best Actress: Sandra Bullock (for The Blind Side)
- Best Supporting Actor: Cristoph Waltz (for Inglorious Basterds)
- Best Supporting Actress: Mo'nique (for Precious)
Of all the speeches that I've heard on the show, I like Mo'nique and Christoph Waltz the best. They sounded heartfelt to me.