on the left is the new design t-shirt and on the right the old design t-shirt
Kak Ngah came back from school today with a newly purchased t-shirt sukan that costs RM14. She has been begging for it since the new t-shirt came out few days ago.
"Jangan lupa bagi kita duit esok tau?!" she said repeatedly. Ish ish ish. It was a new design (every year tukar design which is fine) and purple in color. Eh wait a minute, why purple? Last year it was blue.
Then she said this year had to be changed to purple as told by her class teacher. No reasons were given. Oh well.
Ok, not trying to complain here but macam kelakar lah kan tukar-tukar kaler nih.
I remember during my school days (oh no not againnnnn...), when you are chosen as a member of a certain Rumah Sukan, you are expected to display your loyalty and adulation towards your membership because it shows the very essence of unity.
I wish I could explain it in a better way but that's how it feels, to have a sense of belonging in that certain group and the desire to perform better each year if your Rumah Sukan lost out in the game. During my primary or secondary schools, I have never defected to other teams because that would mean an act of betrayal. Hey, how did a slight grumble about Kak Ngah's t-shirt trails into a boring monologue about sportsmanship? Stay on the track ok.
Nevertheless, here in my daughter's school, its prolly ok to change your Rumah Sukan. I guess they don't take sport seriously. Setakat nak penuhkan kuota aje la kut? Whatever that is.
*yours truly couldn't even remember the name of her Rumah Sukan (so pathetic..) but remembers the official color was Green for her Rumah Sukan. She was also the reserve player for the school's hockey team (reserve jer ... alahai) and main player for the volleyball and netball team. she did not excel in decathlon events however she was one hell of a cheerleader*