Friday, February 12, 2010

the spouse tag

Huh, dah lama tak kena tag ni. Yanti tagged me recently and this time it was about how I met my husband. Macam tau-tau aje Valentine Day nak dekat ek. Ok, here goes.

1) First time jumpa with your hubby bila dan kat mana?

Kat my ofis. Masa tu dia client datang nak beli barang kat my ofis dan kebetulan aku ler yg kena attend dia. Masa tu dalam hati dok pikir betapa sombongnya mamat ni (sebab airmuka dia memang serius giler). Yelah, masa tu tak kenal kan? Orang kata tak kenal maka tak cinta. Ahaks!

2)  Love at first sight?

Takde jugak laa. Kena jual mahal beb! He he 

3. Who is he when the first time you meet him?


4) How long it takes for him to ask you out on a date?

Maybe 5-6 months after the first meeting. That long! Dia pun sama jual mahal. Ha ha!

5)  First place dating?

Bangsar Shopping Complex! Tu pun sebab nak tengok wayang tapi tak ingat citer apa.

6) How he proposed?

Nothing romantic of that sort cuma dia tanya selamba jer. Bunyinyer lebih kurang camgini - "Eh, you nak kawen dgn I tak?" Ada ke...

7) Special Date with your hubby?

12 April since then. Tapi takde ler sambut bagai nak rak tiap-tiap tahun. Cukup ler dgn sebiji kek dan keluar makan-makan ngan famili gitu.

8. Changes that he asked you to do?

The first thing he asked me to do is to cut my hair short! Masa tu aku tak pakai tudung cam sekarang so masa tu rambut mmg panjang sampai paras bahu, siap ada karat2 lagik. Ada ke dia kata aku nampak tua sebab pesen rambut aku masa tu tak sesuai ngan muka aku??! Cisss! And banyak lagi changes - ask me to change my dressing style supaya nampak sopan (maklumlah pakai pun seksi2 masa tu) ahaks!

9) What is it about him that you love him so much?

Because he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me and said I was the right girl for him and that he didn't care a thing about my past. Kira romantik lah gak kan?

10) What is it about him that you wish he would change?

Kurangkan sket baran tu especially kalau bawak kereta atau semasa marah kat anak-anak bila dorang buat peel. Biasalah orang laki ni kureng sabar sket bila melayan kerenah anak-anak...ish ish ish. 

11) You will lose your mind and crack your head when he...

- didn't call/sms after a fight. Dia punya merajuk lebih dasat dari aku. LOL!

12. You will smile thru your eyes for the whole day when he...

- ask me to go out and pamper myself (pegi spa ke, buat facial ke, salon ke atau whatever laa) while he stays home and watch the kids. 

- decides to cook lunch or dinner ke masa cuti weekends out of the blue and sometimes help with the house chores (women DO love their spouses better if they help with the house me!). Kerja rumah ni tak pernah habis ok?

13)  Complete these sentences 'My love towards my hubby is as big as.....'

... the LOVE itself and hope to grow old together with him till death do us part....