Probably, the most overused word by now is LIWAT. The L word has become interestingly talked about - on facebook, at the local mamak stall and even at my daughter's school with different interpretations.
I had to actually "twist" the word when the ever inquisitive Kak Long tries to get information from me. Not a very wise thing to do.
"Ibu, apa makna LIWAT?
"Hah?" my mouth gaped to the point that if a housefly enters it, it'd have prolly lay some eggs in there.
That Harian Metro sure is to blame for this. The husband should have left it at the office and not bring it home. Now I'm faced with this inescapable task of not being able to dodge the question. So how? Haiya.
"Liwat itu sejenis perbuatan tidak bermoral yang melibatkan kemasukan objek dari ... err err ... " while my eyes were rolling up and down trying to think the right word to describe the meanings. How to say? Back entry? Straight forward, yes but I don't think so. Kak Long was looking at me, waiting for that answer while I'm still stammering on my words. To tell or not to tell. She's only twelve for goodness sake. What could she possibly understand from all this?
In the midst of cracking my head to find the right answer, "the light bulb" suddenly appears above my head. Aha!
That's when I told her to get her Oxford Malay-English dictionary and find the answers there. Phew! *wiping off sweat on forehead*
Saved by the dictionary.