Someone once said the secret of getting ahead is getting started. So when someone well known in the blogosphere initiated this campaign of BlogReviveDay recently, I get very excited coz I have not blogged for ages!
My blog is filled with cobweb (whose blog doesn't right) and left to rot under seldom browsed bookmarks in my laptop. I hadn't use my laptop for quite some time too coz these days smartphones do all the smart jobs even online banking!
With other popular social media taking over like Facebook and the more favorable interactive whatsapp and telegram joining the club, its easy to understand why blogging has become obsolete, a thing of the past. The novelty just wears off eventually. By the way who reads online diary anymore right?
I started blogging in 2006 and gradually stop blogging somewhere in 2012. I did try to reactivate blogging last year but after like 2 or 3 postings it went dead!
Okay, enough with the ramblings and let's hope after this I will blog as and when I feel like it. I don't want to feel the pressure to post every single day like some hardcore bloggers do (hehe) as I am not a good writer and my blog don't have substance. I write craps a lot and I swear sometimes. Tak padan dengan imej muslimah kan LOL!
With other popular social media taking over like Facebook and the more favorable interactive whatsapp and telegram joining the club, its easy to understand why blogging has become obsolete, a thing of the past. The novelty just wears off eventually. By the way who reads online diary anymore right?
I started blogging in 2006 and gradually stop blogging somewhere in 2012. I did try to reactivate blogging last year but after like 2 or 3 postings it went dead!
Okay, enough with the ramblings and let's hope after this I will blog as and when I feel like it. I don't want to feel the pressure to post every single day like some hardcore bloggers do (hehe) as I am not a good writer and my blog don't have substance. I write craps a lot and I swear sometimes. Tak padan dengan imej muslimah kan LOL!
Blanje selfie satu!
This is our poyo cat Peah in her gediks pose haha!