Since Kak Ngah has a walking buddy, I seldom walk her to school. I only watch her from outside the gate till she's out of my sight. Her walking buddy is none other than her classmate and her name is Farissa. I always make it a habit to know my children friends' names and where they live. I also try to make friends with their moms because I personally think its advantageous in the long run - you know, when your children hanging out at their friends' places and you can call up their parents to find out what they were really doing? Things like that lah. You can never be too sure about kids these days. Pantau jangan tak pantau. Hehehe!
My mind is at peace knowing that she has a friend walking side by side to and fro school.
Without fail, Kak Ngah would kiss my hands and I always remind her to look right, left and right before crossing especially now the road heading to school has become a one-way route.