Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Three's a crowd.

I had sensational threesome for the last 3 nights in a row. It wasn't done unwittingly. I chose to do it for the sake of him. I love him so dearly. So it was only natural for me to give in since he asked me to. How could I ever refuse such tantalizing offer. It's not everyday I get to do a threesome in bed with two most handsomest guys in the world. And I wasn't even dreaming or high on drugs. The actions were so physical and intense that I need strong black coffee this morning to go by.

I can go in many directions with that word threesome right? Suckers! Yup my youngest son has moved in our crammed bed temporarily and all for a good reason.

Soothing a cranky toddler can be very exhausting. It wasn't his fault anyway. He was having a bad flu and needed to be pacified especially at night. After throwing yet another tantrum last night, he slept like this.

This morning when looking at the bathroom mirror, I realized I looked like a train wreck. Are those eyebags under my eyes? Sheesh...I hadn't had a good night sleep since like ages ago. I feel like going back to sleep but I can't. Tons of house chores are lining up. My mind was so blurry that I don't have anything interesting to blog about. My blog has been in hiatus for a good week. A week more wouldn't hurt. And a month more, I shall be forgotten.

Ohh that bed looked so inviting, isn't it? How I wish I could bury myself in there for as long as I want to. Ain't no threesome or twosome's going to interfere, just me alone.

If I were to sleep on that bed it would take a nuclear bomb to wake me from deep slumber!