Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Loud and Clear

I hate pap-smears. Not only are they giving me huge discomfort (I still feel sore from last check-up about 5 days ago), they are also invasive at the same time. Your gynae will ask you to spread your legs wide open and then start to insert your va-jay-jay with that scary looking shark-teeth piece of plastic while telling you to relax a bit and shove it further down until they found the right position to swab something out and it took like less than a minute to do that. I felt violated. Worse still, they bill you for that and they don't come cheap as well.

All this while, I've had my pap-smear done without the kids tagging along. I never like the idea of having my kids around when I go for this kind of check-up because I know they will ask lots of question and I don't feel like answering them. Its just too complicated.

But last Saturday, I had no choice but to bring them along together with the husband as he had to do some errands on the same day.

So while waiting for my turn, I took out a magazine and started to read to kill time when Kak Ngah decided to get chatty.

Kak Ngah: Ibu nak check apa ni?

Ibu: Ibu nak buat pap-smear.

Kak Ngah: Pap-smear? Apa tu? Lama ke nak buat?

Ibu: Err pap smear tu check perut jer. Kejap je check perut ni...tak sampai 5 minit siap la...

Kak Ngah: Ok la...kita nak keluar main kejap

And then she ran outside the room and joined her sister. I was relieved that Kak Ngah didn't ask so many questions and finally left me alone. As I sat there waiting, I realized there were 5 to 6 couples already wating for their appointments and looking at their wives' bellies, I presume they were all there for ante-natal check-ups.

After like an eternity or so of waiting, it was my turn to go in. After the procedure was done, I was ready to collect the bill when Kak Ngah ran towards me and hollered in a voice loud enough for everyone else to hear and said, "Ibu, dah siap ke pap smear ibu?!". The answer was a barely audible yes.

I swear I heard someone giggled on our way out of the room. Sheesh.