Wednesday, May 20, 2009

the name game


H*** M******* (sorry, can't reveal full identity here...I'm protected under witness protection programme...ahaks!)

2. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME (mother and father's last names)

Lamzah Ottok (org melayu dolu2 nama memang pelik sket...)

3. FORMULA 1 NAME (first name of your mother's dad, father's dad)

Lamzah Ottok

4. STAR WARS NAME (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)

MARHA (cam siot jer nama nih...)

5. DETECTIVE NAME (favorite color, favorite animal)

Black Cat (I don't really like cats but I like to watch their antics...)

6. SOAP OPERA NAME (middle name, town where you were born)

M******* Ipoh

7. SUPERHERO NAME (2nd favorite color, favorite drink, add "THE" to the beginning)

The Green Ice Lemon Tea (would people really believe that I sport such lame name for a superhero? not to be associated with The Green Goblin of Spiderman OK...*LOL*)

8. FLY NAME (first 2 letters of first name, last 2 letters of your last name)

HAAH (exactly...!)

9. ROCK STAR NAME (current pet's name, current street name)

Temoh Seripagi (wakakakaka....) - Temoh is my MIL's cat's name since we don't own pets...

10. PORN NAME (1st pet, street you grew up on)

Putih Bakawali (cam siot jer nama nih...) - Putih is the name we gave to a street cat yg selalu datang makan kat belakang rumah masa kecik2 dulu and bulunya pun memang putih...

11. YOUR GANGSTA NAME (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle)

Hanizzle (macam nama soft drinks jer...)

12. STRIPPER NAME (name of your favorite perfume, favorite candy)

Tommygirl Mentos (wakakakaka.....)

14. WIZARD'S NAME (last 3 letters of mother's name, first 3 letters of current job, first 3 letters of your zodiac sign and last 3 letters of home street's name)

Iahhomviragi (yeah, the character's name they'd give me if I should win the audition for the Lord of The Ring's prequel; The Lord of the Brag...)

15. PIRATE'S NAME (favorite action hero's last name, your 'pet' name, favorite comedian's last name and add "Captain" to the beginning

Captain Alice (of Resident Evil) Hun Fey (fulamak...!)

Well, that was fun. OK, back to work...sigh!