Friday, January 09, 2009

Sporadically yours

Oh my.

This blog needs a major spring-cleaning before yours truly decides to write crappy stuff again.

I'm done with hibernation. Slept too long to even realise that it is already 2009. Where did the last 5 weeks go (counting from the last post)? Did I miss anything? Contrary to popular belief, having too much beauty sleep will not make your skin glow or that it takes 5 years off your actual age. In short, being Sleeping Beauty is no fun at all. Its time to work that fingers again before they rot.

I'll be bach! *Watch this space*

*Tip #1:- Would-be idle bloggers trying to make a huge comeback in the blogosphere after a long hiatus, if you don't have anything intellectual or funny to write, post pictures. Then write witty or silly captions not more than 250 words. People will still read. Trust me*