As he reached the age of 3 and still couldn't make up any recognisable words (he still blabbers in baby-talk), we think it was time to undergo the check-up his pediatrician had recommended, the BAER test and MRI scan. I wrote about this sometime last year.
Both test were conducted to check on any abnormality on Little B's condition. Thankfully, both test came out negative. Dr Musa was kind enough not to charge consultation fee but we were terkedu when we receive the bill. Terketar-ketar tangan tengok jumlah $$$$ yang tertera kat the bill. And since the test weren't included in the medical insurance cover, maka rabak lah poket kitorang for that month. Adoi!
Anyways, Dr Musa has been our kids' pediatrician since they were babies. He was like our family doctor. A good doctor he is.
mak budak tengah dok menunggu sambil memerhati Little B masuk gua. the pic was a bit blurry coz cameras weren't allowed in MRI room. boleh rosak gitu so bapak budak took pics from outside. Little B was sedated before going in and his ears were covered with headphone, takut terjaga coz the MRI is one noisy machine. radiologist tu kata bukan budak kecik je kena sedated, orang dewasa pun ada yang kena sebab claustrophobic...ish ish
the BAER graph in progress...
Since the results were negative, Dr Musa recommends speech delay therapy for Little B. We went home in late evening after spending one whole day there. Fuh, sungguh lah penat. End of story part 1.