As I entered the school gate, my heart was filled with mixed emotion. This was the very same gate that greeted me hello on my first day at this school. I was transferred here by sudden twist of fate. My parents were finalising their divorce and they thought that by sending us to boarding schools, our studies will not be disrupted. My parents decided to send me and my brother there while another brother was sent to another boarding school in town.
I learnt a lesson of lifelong humility in this "kampung" school. The first 3 months of my life there, I was transformed from a total snob to a total modest. From a pretentious city girl to a simple kampung girl. Struggled with family problems at home, they helped me coped with life in the hostel. When I feel lonely, they offered friendship without prejudice. There were times when I was at the bottom pit, they'd pull my two hands to bring me to safety. They coaxed me to come out from the shell and taught me not to feel guilty coming from a broken home. I began to enjoy life as a real teenager then.
Back to the high school reunion, hearing about former principal who passed away and teachers, some who retired after years of service and some who still stayed on made me feel old too. I was a bit disappointed when none of my classmates turned up for the event. However, meeting my juniors and seniors who were also my former dormmates were more than enough to make up for their absence although my memory seemed to fail me when seeing familiar faces but not remembering their names. It was great seeing them again but what really hit me hard was how much some of them had aged and expanded in size...tee hee hee. Well, to be fair, some of them didn't really changed that much. I was surprised to see our ex-warden hadn't changed at all. He looked ever so youthful. The same old jovial Cikgu Syed. You rawk man!
As a side note, I (literally) won the award for having the least kids. I don't really know if I really do have the least but some juniors who were much much younger than me had more than mine. Very productive indeed. *chuckles*
The reunion was a grand affair, filled with nostalgic moments. I honestly wish the best, life has to offer for all those people I met that night. God willing, we'll see each other again next year when the school celebrates its golden jubilee. InsyAllah.
And this time around, I'll make sure to bring the camera along.