I didn't realise yesterday was Little B's birthday until Kak Long reminded me. This act of forgetfulness is not without excuse. I'm ageing. That's why. Sheesh.
Kak Long asked, tak de ke kek untuk adik? Alahai. Ayahness was so lazy to go out to buy cake yesterday so no cake. Lagipun semalam kan dah start puasa. Lagi lah bertimpa-timpa malasnya nak keluar rumah. Anyway, he promised to buy super mega cake in two weeks time to coincide with my upcoming birthday and Little B's belated birthday. *asyik kek aje, tak de ke benda lain nak beli untuk bini ke. Halamak, did I sound ungrateful? I take back my words.
Oh by the way, Little B turned 3 yesterday. Happy birthday kiddo!
Yesterday afternoon, I watched the Oprah Winfrey show. Her guest of honours were the Jonas Brothers and their respective family. For the uninitiated, Jonas Brothers are currently the hottest boy band in the US of A. And they are siblings. What interest me the most was the profound remarks their father said when asked by OW on how they (the Jonas Bros) stay grounded despite being so famous. To which he replied earnestly, "We're not raising boys. We're raising men, husbands and fathers...". Oh Wow! That shook me up real good.