So I was quite surprised with myself when I managed to flip through pages after pages of the newspaper yesterday. Some of the news were amusing and some were outrightly disgusting. News that deserved mention were;
Spies on the prowl
Housewives staking out at the wet markets and hypermarkets as undercover agents for Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Division. And the best part is, they get paid for RM1500 monthly allowance for undercover works. Their sole mission - to check any price irregularities and report it to the authority involved.
How cool can that be huh?
I mean its great to know that the government has finally acknowledged and supported the fact that housewives can do more great things (if given the right opportunity) besides tending the children and running the household. Pretty soon, we'll be hearing stories about housewives getting combat tactical and weaponry training, espionage assignments and fly MIGs or helicopters for rescue or mercy mission. That'll be the day. When that happens, I'll be the first early bird to sign up.
Sex sells
Whoa! Just when I thought the Malays have gone glokal as repeatedly preached by the TPM himself, this news had to come in.
Perak Tengah district councillor, Zul Hassan and businessman, Fairul Azrim Ismail were implicated in an illicit sex involving a chinese national after accepting bribes from another Malay complainant. And they both proudly admitted doing it. Shocking? Not really.
What is shocking is, he (Zul Hassan) had been quoted as saying "What is more important is we did not ask for the women. He (the complainant) supplied them to us. If people sedekah (donate), don't you want to accept the sedekah?". Senangnya prinsip hidup kau.
Clearly, he has taken the word sedekah to a new level. Shame on you, Zul! Its people like you who tarnished the Malay image. Kau memang Lelaki Melayu Terlampau.
In a hot soup
It appears to me that every celebrities in this country are going the business way. One such celeb is Amy Search of the now defunct rock group Search. He has been slapped with a civil suit by the parents of a 4 year old boy after an untrained waiter had accidently splashed a hot tomyam soup on his body.
I think its high time that every business establishments or service providers in this country should take heed this information. Don't play-play with customers nowadays. We know our rights. As paying customers, we have the right to expect good service and not given the run-arounds when service is bad. We do not want to be treated as Kings and Queens, we just want to be treated with respect. That's all.