Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Driving up the wall

Now that the great election is over, I guess most of us ordinary citizens by now had resumed our lives back to normal. To those who won big time, congratulations and to those who lost big time; well, what can I say. You sucked in your job. Better luck next time? Sing the blues, kapisch! To those who accepted their defeats graciously, thats the way to go man. To those who are still in denial, snap out of it for goodness sake. To those who are in the power now, do your job diligently and restore our faith. Make it happen!

Its the first term school holidays this week and we've been mulling over and over again to repaint our house since like 5 years ago. Each time the subject is brought up, we would argue with remeh temeh things like, what color to use, which brand to buy, budget enough or not, got time to do it or not, where to dump the kids, they will kacau more than helping out...yadda yadda yadda and in the end, we'll only end up with nothing but empty can (read: tong kosong). Talk talk talk, no action. Sheesh.

You just have to look at these pictures to understand our agony why we need to repaint our walls. Sangat malu nak ajak orang datang ke rumah ok.

1) where are the clowns...send in the clowns. is that a clown or what?

2) doodles doodles on the wall
who is the real culprit of all...

3) picasso in the making?

4) ninja turtle in blue? awesome...

5) rain rain go away. come again another day. the sun wants to come out and play...

6) I give up. I dont know what that is...

After much deliberation, we've decided to put repainting on hold, again, at least until little B had turned 7. He has picked up where his sisters left off...sigh!