Just when I thought I had seen enough banal reality tv shows (eg Beauty and the Geek, America's Next Top Model just to name a few) except for American Idol mushrooming on our tv palate, along comes The Biggest Loser. First aired on US tv in 2004, it has reached our shore sometime this year if I'm not mistaken. The episodes we're currently watching on tv (Hallmark Channel) were back to back episodes of previous seasons.
TBL centers around a bunch of overweight people (some were on the brink of severe obesity) attempting to lose desired weight to vie for a cash prize of USD250,000. There are initially two groups - Red and Blue team and more recently in the current episode, the Black team also known as The Rejects was introduced. Each three teams are headed by their own personal trainers namely Bob Harper, Kim Lyons and Jillian Michaels.
Every week they have to follow strict and sometimes rigid exercise routines (note Jillian's military exercise regime) and dieting in order to shed those extra pounds. It is kind of amusing to see how the contestants were tested with temptations, distractions and challenges day after day and by the end of the week, comes the weigh-in session that every contestants dread the most. Team that is losing (meaning not enough pounds shed combined) will have to vote one member off their team. Contestant (from the losing team) who has the highest score of weight loss will not be eliminated. I have to say that I was sorry to see Jerry, the oldest contestant (he's 62 year old) and also leader of the Blue team go because he was the more focused and driven among the others. Come one, that dude lost like 31 pounds in first week? Shut up!
All in all, this show is highly recommended for all weigh-watchers and also for those who needs inspiration to lose weight. If Malaysia has its own version of such programme, I'd sign up straight away if only Bob Harper agrees to become the trainer. *eyes blinking rapidly*. Fat chance!
Here's some of the before and after pictures of previous contestants.