When someone you know gives birth, do you feel that slight kick inside you to wish to have a baby too just because someone had? Even though in reality, that idea may not seem like a good one at the moment coz you just had a baby like 2 years ago? Or your kids are just at the age where you can actually relax a bit and you want to enjoy that precious moment a little? Or the baby fat that had accumulated throughout your pregnancy has finally gone after months of rigorous workouts? Would you want to do it all over again?
Nevertheless, the longing would still be there.
I was one of the unlucky ones who had to endure hyperemesis during all 3 pregnancies. With my last baby, it lasted the whole 9 months. Yeah, that bad. Since I can't do natural birth, it had to be c-section, all three of them.
I had really bad experience with the second birth of my daughter. When the baby had been pulled out from the tummy, the surgeon began to stitch back the wounds. He gave me local anaesthetic so I was wide awake the whole time while they cut open my tummy. It was probably halfway thru the stitching when I felt sudden sharp of pain. I felt the stitching (God, it hurts like hell ok..) and even felt the surgeon's hand probing and pulling something inside. It might have been a little less than 5 minutes ordeal because when they finally paid attention to my scream, the surgeon had quickly fixed the problem by giving me more drugs that I passed out. Initially, he told me to hang on coz the stitching was almost done but I repeatedly told him in a weak reply that I couldn't hold the pain much longer. Rasa cam nak tumbuk jer muka doktor tuh....orang tengah sakit giler nak suruh hang on...biar betul!
When the surgery was done, I was wheeled to my room and few hours later, I woke up with a bad headache (probably due to overdose anaesthetic given after nearly "botched" c-section) and saw my family and relatives were already waiting anxiously. Still weak from the surgery, I told them about my horrible experience and they were shocked and heard me rambling that had the words like..."tobat tak nak beranak lagi...ampun mak....serik" came out from my mouth. Biasalah cakap orang pompuan semasa beranak. Lepas beranak buat lagi...hehehe!
Some 5 years later, I found myself on another operating table. This time around, I had it done in a bigger private hospital. I told the obgyn to knock me out well, while telling her about my second experience and how I didn't want that to happen again. Really serik ok. I was still awake but to my relief, I felt nothing. It was a smooth one. She did a great job and the scar left wasn't that visible. Thank you so much Dr_Maziah_Ahmad_Mahidin. She has since become my obgyn from that day onwards.
So, I'm one of those women who will do that when I see babies, at the malls, at kenduris, at the restaurants, on the tv or everywhere I see them. I like to peek strollers to see that little bundle of joy inside.
Darn, I had that kick again now. Will it ever end? Sheesh...
P/S:- have a blast mothers day this weekend y'all!