Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Flotsam and Jetsam

Some activities done during the 3 months of inactivity from blogging. Will be back with more crappy writings when the mojo gets warmed up.

In the meantime, some pictorial to share. Sebenarnya ada banyak gambar tapi malas nak upload larr. Ambik yg penting2 jer. :)

 Makan-makan at birthday party anak Lynn. Loved all her gorgeous cupcakes and cakes....had a good time digging the food and gossiping with a few good women. Masa ni belum start diet lagi hehe ;)...


makan-makan at Chili's sempena sambutan Hari Ibu. some of the food we ordered. tak boleh makan sini selalu coz quite pricey....once in a while ok kut...loved the desserts....nyum!
 tu dia beriot muka mak memotong steak tuuu...kenyang buntat laa....malam tu terus fenin2 gitu akibat beef overdose hehe...

sempat berposing ayu sementara menunggu order sampai... :)


 nampak jer muka steady tapi hanya Tuhan aje yg tahu berapa kecut perut masa berdiri kat tepi tu...terasa cam melayang2 jer tapi tetap maintain vogue....ahaks! :P

went to the Petronas Twin Towers and get the feel how it was like being up there. the view was absolutely breathtaking tapi kan mak ni gayat taww....pegang kamera pun menggigil semacam jer masa amik gambar2 ni....lemah lutut den. ni macam kalu camner nak buat bungy-jumping?? :P


In Kuantan during the recent 2nd term school holidays in middle June. We stayed at Swiss Garden Hotel near Balok...


 descending into deeper side of the pool...

 circling around....

2nd time lesson, Kak Long and Kak Ngah managed to reach the deepest end of pool...3.9meter is about 12feet deep...perghhh!

siap boleh duduk bersila kat dalam tu...cayalah!

Kak Long and Kak Ngah finally got their certificates for their scuba diving discovery programme in Bangi. With these certs, they are able to proceed with the scuba ranger programme. But for now, this activity has to be stopped temporarily to give ample time for Kak Long to concentrate on her upcoming UPSR soon...

A belated ziarah to a neighbour, Fizah who has given birth to a baby boy...

Makan-makan at Shikin's farewell kenduri since she is being posted to Egypt for 3 years. She has since left Malaysia almost 2 weeks ago...


and last but not least, ngeteh session at Maju Ahmad with some girlfriends on Sunday baru2 ini. remind me to not wear tudung syria forever and ever....tak sesuai ngan muka gua kay :P...

The End.