The girls were ecstatic when told that they were going for some fun splash last weekend. Little do they know that it wasn't the usual splash in wading pools in theme park. It was more than that. Since they love the water so much, daddyness had decided to enrol them in scuba kids discovery lesson held in Bangi. And boy, were they having fun alright.
And as they say, a picture tells a thousand words.

After an exhausting activity in the pool, all 3 of them tergolek dok in the car! Little Bee didn't participate in the scuba lessons (too young) but I guess he was pretty tired just by watching his sisters and of course running here and there.
Since coach Dollah said that the girls were doing fine with the introductory lessons and didn't encounter any problems, we guess the next big step is to go for the ranger level before they can qualify for open water (international) level.
Hopefully they can make it through.