- perform the ultimate pilgrimage for muslims - the haj
- visit the 7 continents and wonders of the world
- learn skateboarding or surfboarding (either one)
- be the 1st tourist astronaut to visit Mars
- meet oprah winfrey
- learn 1 or 2 foreign languages
- learn scuba-diving
- learn to write feature-writing and become a good columnist
- treat myself to an expensive spa treatment
- attend andrea bocelli's performance of a lifetime
- learn to bake cakes
- do a duet with Josh Groban
- sponsor education for underprivileged kids worldwide
- do braces for my teeth
- do lasik surgery for my eyes
- do a major makeover
- do a liposuction
- buy a bigger house
- get my writing published in a form of a book!
- start my own business that I enjoy doing
- donate money to charity
- sponsor medical bills for people who can't afford them
- take a self defense course
- take pottery classes
- learn to play 1 or 2 musical instrument
- get a supporting role in a Steven Spielberg movie
- do exercise seriously and not just talking about it!
- grow a small but charming garden
- read as many books that I can
- buy an expensive dress
- learn how to sew well
- attend a live classical musical concert in Vienna
- invest in a stock market and become a millionaire
- be an inventor
- learn how to draw and paint
- learn how to skate on ice
- buy my dream car
- learn to swim and be a good swimmer
- do skydiving feat from 30,000 feet above sea level
- do bungeejumping
- live in a farm somewhere in Tuscany, Itali
- learn to fly a small plane
- learn to ride a horse
- go on a cruise ship
- take up photography
- learn bellydancing
- be a little more kinder and compassionate
- devote myself to a cause that I'm passionate about and volunteer for it
- learn to appreciate my imperfections
- do backpacking all over the world
Friday, August 17, 2007
50 things I want to do before I die
(in no particular order)